When you come into the office for a hearing test the results are explained right after. When it is discovered there is hearing loss in both ears the common question is “do I need two?”. The usually response is yes. We have two ears that work together and send important information to our brain. If we have hearing loss in …
Can You Wear Hearing Aids & Play Sports?
I often get asked if hearing aids can be worn when exercising or playing sports. With all the excitement of watching the US Women’s National Team play soccer in the world cup I thought I would go over why you can and should be wearing your hearing aids if you have them. Being an athlete depending on the sport often …
Do I need Rechargeable Hearing Aids?
When you think about hearing aids today there are lots of options and features. One of the more common features are hearing aids that are rechargeable. Some know without a doubt that is an option they have to have and others want to know more facts about the option vs. using standard zinc air batteries. It is so great that …
Spring Cleaning
How to care and maintain your hearing aids comes up a lot more as the weather starts to warm up. People often ask me how often should I clean my hearing aids? The answer I always give is everyday. Your hearing aids are very sophisticated electronic machines setting in a moist environment all day and need to be regularly cleaned. …
Hear the Love
The month of February is all about love for me. With Valentines day on the 14th it’s hard not to get caught up with all the love. When I think about love I think about communicating that to my family. Often this can be through food, small and large gestures, and just telling them how much I love and care …
Reflecting on 2018
Every year I say where did the year go but where did 2018 go? 2018 was very memorable to me as it was the first full calendar year that Simple Hearing was open. I want to give a sincere thank you to all of you that came in and trusted in me and my small business. Every day when I …
Keep Doing What you Love
Last week I had the pleasure of connecting with a patient who has been wearing hearing aids for one year now and was in for his annual hearing evaluation. We spoke about all the things he loves now that he has been wearing Resound linx 3D hearing aids. He spoke about all the things I am familiar with hearing about …